subMedia Shorts

Our collection of short news segments, riot porn mash-ups, action recaps, front-line reportbacks, hot takes, and calls for support – all optimized for social media attention spans.

Strikes and Pickets 101

A brief primer in Labor Organizing celebrating the most recent wave of strikes.

Solidarity Is Our Weapon

Cross border solidarity is needed to help the people of the Ukraine to resist the Russian Empire and its World. You can support ABC Dresden efforts at

In Montreal Everyone Still Hates The Police

A report from Montreal’s 26th annual march against police brutality.

Gridlocked: The Freedom Convoy and the New Canadian Populism

A look at the so-called “Freedom Convoy”, its foundations and its contradictions.

Help Teia dos Povos To Rebuild Communities Affected by Floods

In December 2021 heavy rains punished the south of Bahia state in so-called Brazil. Help a black indigenous network in so-called Brazil to rebuild communities after floods.

Reconciliation at Gunpoint

Layla Staats and Skyler Williams describe their arrest on unceded Cas Yikh territory, and the disgusting lengths that the Canadian state went to try and break their warrior spirits.

The Eviction Still Stands: CGL & RCMP Off the Yintah

On Jan 4 2020, the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs evicted Coastal GasLink from their territory. That eviction order remains in effect today.

What’s Next for subMedia?

A few months ago we asked our viewers to fill out a survey to help us figure out what we’ve been doing wrong…. and boy did you ever come through!.

All Out for Wedzin Kwa: October 9-15 Week of Action

Cas Yikh members of Gidimt’en clan are calling for a week of action in defence of Wedzin Kwa.

Hiladi Village

Hiladi Village is a traditional village site of the Ma’amtagila people. This unceded land and is in the process of being reclaimed.

Free Sean Swain

On August 13th, longtime anarchist prisoner Sean Swain is going up in front of the parole board. Sean has been behind bars for 30 years. It’s time for him to be released.

subMedia wants to hear from YOU!

Fill out our quick audience feedback survey to help us get our shit together and for a chance to win some free swag!.

Iran: The Uprising of the Thirsty

On July 15th 2021, people took to the streets in the Iranian province of Khouzestan to protest against the lack of water due to government mismanagement.

Cancel Canada

As the remains of more Native kids continue to be discovered at the sites of former residential schools, this so-called Canada Day offers a time for reflection and a recommitment to the dismantling of the Canadian state.

Call to Action for Palestine

Palestinians are calling for a week of action in solidarity with their national uprising and general strike.

Solidarity With Tigray: Week of Actions

This May Day, comrades from the Horn Anarchists are calling for a week of international solidarity actions to put pressure on the Ethiopian regime to end the military occupation of Tigray.

Uprisings: The Week After George Floyd

In the week following the murder of George Floyd by four white cops, uprisings have sprung up across america and around the world.

Vengeance for George Floyd

Following the police murder of George Floyd, the streets of Minneapolis have erupted into some of the most intense riots the US has seen in years.

May Day 2020

These are interesting times. Stay safe. Get organized. Fight hard. Happy May Day.

Free Them All

On April 14th, a group of people drove their cars to Barton jail for a public noise demo. They formed a decentralized crowd that flashed lights and fireworks to let the prisoners know they’re not alone.

Keep Your Rent

On April 1st, keep your rent. And tell your neighbours to keep theirs too.