subMedia Shorts

Our collection of short news segments, riot porn mash-ups, action recaps, front-line reportbacks, hot takes, and calls for support – all optimized for social media attention spans.

Montreal Solidarity With Stabbed Antifa From Marseille

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) and Montreal Sisterhood, made a graffiti in solidarity with a comrade in Marseille, France, who was stabbed by two fascists in late March.

Montreal Throws Down Against Trump

Montreal’s activists came out in force to #DisruptJ20, burning a Trump effigy in front of the American consulate, taking over an upscale shopping mall, and smashing up the city’s main commercial drive.

Black Bloc Smashes Inauguration

A 500+ crew of anti-capitalists, rampaged through the US capital in defiance of the security state on the day of Trump’s inauguration.

Call for a Week of Solidarity

We are calling for a week of solidarity April 1 to 7 to support everyone targeted for standing up to the Trump regime and rising fascism.

Who Are the Anarchists?

Anarchists are returning once again to the stage of history and the front page of the daily paper. Neither voting nor protest has worked; the popular imagination is shifting towards confrontation.

Video Ninjas Wanted

Do you have a camera, computer and internet connection? Can you shoot, edit and upload videos with the quickness? Do you love adventure and the thrill of videotaping burning cop cars? Then you should join the sub.Media worldwide network of video ninjas!.

Montreal Marches Against Police Brutality

A report back from Montreal 21st annual march against police brutality.

Mapuches Still Resisting in Chile

In a march commemorating the ninth anniversary of the murder of indigenous Mapuche activist Matias Catrileo, shot in the back by police, protesters stormed the financial district of Santiago, Chile.

Defend the Hood

In 2016, numerous attacks were launched at symbols of gentrification in some Montreal neighborhoods. We wanted to give the people involved a place to share their point of view.

How to Burn an American Flag

In light of Trump’s tweet stating that flag burning should be criminalized, we give you a step by step on how to properly torch the stars and stripes.

Montreal: Antifa Shut Down Racist Metal Concert

On Saturday November 26 a coalition of anti-fascists, blocked the entrance of the Plaza Theatre, a venue that was hosting the white power metal band Graveland.

#NODAPL: Battle at the End of the World

Watching the footage of the police attack against water protectors from last Sunday conjured images of the apocalypse.

People Block Train in Solidarity With #NoDAPL

Around a dozen people shut down the train tracks in Montreal on Tuesday, as a motion of solidarity with the Indigenous-led struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Women Lock Down TransNord Pipeline

Women concerned about the threat to potable water are currently blocking access to a valve on a pipeline that has been condemned by two dissenting members of the National Energy Board (NEB).


Video call out for the disruption of Trump’s inauguration.

Montreal #NoDAPL Solidarity

Over a thousand people invade the streets of Montreal to stand with Standing Rock.

Gentrification is Scary

On Halloween night a crew of 100 peeps in costumes marched against gentrification in the Montreal neighborhood of Hochelaga.

#NoDAPL: War on Water

As the Dakota Access Pipeline reaches the Missouri river Warriors and Water Protectors built a bridge so that they can block construction on the other side of the river.

Oil Pipelines Are Easy to Shut Down

In less than a year seven oil pipelines in the US and Canada have been shutdown by climate activists, costing oil companies millions. Here’s how they did it.

Activists Shut Down All Tar Sands Pipelines to the USA

Five activists shut down ALL TAR SANDS PIPELINES entering the USA.

Facing Off the Death Machines

The fight for some of the last remaining old growth forest in the Sunshine Coast, Shishalh and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh territory, is heating up!.