subMedia Shorts

Our collection of short news segments, riot porn mash-ups, action recaps, front-line reportbacks, hot takes, and calls for support – all optimized for social media attention spans.

Punk Rock Hurricane Relief

Puerto Rican punks, artists, queers and freaks of all stripes volunteer to feed people in their community after hurricane Maria.

Puerto Rico: SWAT Team Raids Mutual Aid Disaster Relief

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief collective went to Puerto Rico to help distribute food and to provide medical aid in the aftermath of hurricane Maria. On October 16th, their base was raided by a SWAT team with the pretext that they were responding to a hostage situation.

Antifa Block Far-Right at US/Canada Border

On September 30th, anti-fascists converged to the Lacolle “US/Canada” border crossing to support migrants and to oppose far-right group Storm Alliance.

Antifa Shuts Down Nazi March in Sweden

10.000 people gathered in central Gothenburg, Sweden to protest against the march of the nazi group NMR, the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Indigenous People Invade Illegal Fish Farms

After 30 years of peaceful opposition, indigenous nations of western “Canada” have had enough and have begun occupations of illegal fish farms to disrupt their operations.

Resistance Against Line 3 Pipeline Ramps Up

People on the Wisconsin / Minnesota Border shutdown Enbridge’s Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline.

Canada: People Block Fracking Company

Native and settler land defenders blocked access to Junex’s fracking drill pads.

These Women Sabotaged DAPL

On July 24, 2017, Jessica Reznicek and Ruby Montoya publicly admitted to multiple acts of sabotage on the Dakota Access Pipeline. subMedia connected with them via Skype to find out their motivations and how they did it. LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW (MP3 9mb) READ THEIR STATEMENT.

Welcome to Hell Strikes Back!

After a brutal start, the Welcome to Hell actions continued. People fought the cops, barricaded roads, and torched dozens of luxury cars.

Over 1,000 Cops Attack Anti-Capitalist March

Police brutally attacked the #WelcomeToHell anti-capitalist march during the #NoG20 meetings in #Hamburg.

Rent Strike in Toronto

On Wednesday June 7th, tenants from the Toronto neighbourhood of Parkdale occupied the Landlord & Tenant Board to shut down a hearing for an above guideline rent increase at an apartment building at 87 Jameson Ave.

How One Woman Stopped Clear Cut Logging

Christine Jack of the St’at’imc Nation maintains a checkpoint in Yalakom Valley, shutting down logging operations.

Montreal: Week of Occupations

Montreal community groups came together with autonomous radicals last week to demand access to housing, squatting buildings and holding free barbecues in the park.

Montreal: Week of Occupations Kicks Off

Montreal radicals began a “week of occupations” by squatting an abandoned hospital that they hope to turn into a housing complex. When the police attacked, they barricaded themselves inside.

Logging Company’s Offices Occupied

A group of autonomous environmentalists in Montreal occupied the offices of EACOM Timber, in opposition to the company’s plan to log forest in the habitat of endangered caribou in Northern Quebec.

Happy Birthday, Fredy Villanueva

On April 6, dozens gathered in Montréal Nord to celebrate the birthday of Fredy Villanueva, a Honduran teen who was shot to death by Montreal Police in 2008.

#SiMeMatan – If They Kill Me

Under the hashtag #SiMeMatan (If they kill me) thousands of women protest femicide following the murder of Levsy, a 22 year old student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Neo-Nazis Rally in Kentucky

On April 29th, the National Front, a coalition of neo-nazis led by the Traditionalist Worker Party and the National Socialist Movement, rallied in the small town of Pikeville, KY.

Channel Zero

Channel Zero is a newly formed podcast network of several anarchist and anti-authoritarian podcasts across so-called North America.

Become A Trouble Maker

subMedia has launched Trouble, a monthly documentary series intended to be screened in groups.

Anarchy: Fight for Now

In light of all the hoopla around the new Pepsi “protest” commercial, we could not help ourselves but to make this mash-up.