subMedia Shorts

Our collection of short news segments, riot porn mash-ups, action recaps, front-line reportbacks, hot takes, and calls for support – all optimized for social media attention spans.

RCMP Blocked From Entering Unist’ot’en Camp

On July 15, 2015, officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police tried to enter Unist’ot’en territory.

Unist’ot’en Camp Kicks Out TransCanada Crews

TransCanada attempts to enter Unist’ot’en territory.

May Day 2012 Montréal

Excerpt from “Street Politics 101” that retells the story of MayDay 2012 during the raucous student strike of that year.

Jailed comrades need money

An appeal for funds for the 5E3 comrades Carlos, Amelie and Fallon.

Raising Resistance: Global Day of Action Re-Cap #NoPipelines

Today, Unist’ot’en allies are rising up in cities across North America and around the world to deliver a message to industry and government, warning them to cease their trespass against sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory.

George Bush Don’t Like Black People

Post hurricane Katrina mash-up of “George Bush Don’t Like Black People” by The Legendary K.O.

Dance Dance Revolution!

A promo vid for the ill-fated Saturday Night Fever action, planned as part of the Toronto G20 protests.

Steal Something from Work Day Promo Vid!

Chances are you already steal from your work if not physical items, at least time on the clock. Good for you! But don’t stop there think of how much more you could take, how much more you deserve.



Olympic Torch Relay Dispatch #1

First dispatch from the Torch Relay kickoff From Victoria.

Anarchists took control of Downtown St. Paul, police admit

Police lost control of the anarchists during the 2008 RNC.

RNC-McCain Riots Un-Arrest

Probably the most important event of the RNC-McCain Riots of 2008. For educational purposes only. This was spliced by a talented young man from Aussie.

Letter to the Future President #147

A 2008 remix of speeches from Bush, McCain and Obama on US energy poliicy.

9 questions with Mark Achbar

2005, 4 mins We met up with Mark Achbar, director of ‘The Corporation’ for a walk around downtown Vancouver and talked about his film, his shoes and Stanley Kubrick.

From The Fry Daddy To Your Car

Robert del Bueno, makes diesel out of used grease.