Push It!

Correction: Anti #NATO actions planned in Chicago in May. Anyone have a link to the action website?

This Week:

1. No Dick for Canucks
2. Margaret Thatcher is dead
3. Resistance in Quebec
4. Lakota tar sands blockade
5. The San Francisco Commune
6. Dark roast in Barcelona

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9 thoughts on “Push It!”

  1. Pingback: Push it! | We Want Change

  2. What about China and Russia? Im way scared we defeat them at home, yet prevail in these two very uncool countries.

  3. Ourmanflint

    Here’s what’s going down with what the little of tax payers’ money is left in the UK.
    Seems the muther fucking Po Po does have a heart and are looking for more ‘less lethal’ weapons to use on those they protect and serve.


    “No ideas too stupid or ‘off the wall’ to consider,” Well this one made me smile.

    “One weapon that particularly interested police officers was something Cast technicians referred to as “skunk oil”.

    The system would involve pellets containing foul-smelling liquids being fired from weapons similar to paintball guns. Such would be the smell that individuals hit by the pellets would want to go home to change their clothes, while associates would be reluctant to stay close to them.”

    1, don’t name it skunk. 2, have you smelt the crusties recently? 3, why go home when you can just continue shopping 🙂

  4. Pingback: The Stimulator: Push It! « Dandelion Salad

  5. leo

    Don’t they use skunk water on Palestinians?

  6. Barcelona’s perhaps not the best example of squat resistance (I’d rather say France, Greece and Italy), although yeah the scene has managed to stay alive, big, ultra-cool and kick some butts at times. Compare it to fucking Berlin in the ’80s-’90s, it’s not that awesome.

    By the time of March 29th, squatting was made a legal practice in Barcelona.

    See ya in the streets, proles!

  7. Ourmanflint

    @ Anabraxas, with 80 muther fucking peps getting thrown out their houses a day in the city, what else they going to do.

    It’ll be one be squate soon

  8. end music

    who is rapping at the end and whats the title of it?

  9. stimulator

    It’s Jehst

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