10 thoughts on “Capitalism Will Save the Planet”

  1. Yo Stim.. On an unrelated topic, Y U NO HTTPS?
    Love the fuckin show..
    Also.. The on the page with the list of shows is a little screwy.. It has the day twice, doesn’t show the month, then the year.
    I’ll stop complaining now.

  2. ze

    God, I hate the Virgin Dick guy.

  3. ze

    The industrial belt of Houston is a total, disgusting abomination to witness.

  4. Pingback: The Stimulator: Capitalism Will Save The Planet | Dandelion Salad

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  8. Irish The Medic In Occupy Minnesota

    Right On- Love this- Love-Respect from Occupy Minnesota and Idle No More Minnesota – working on blocking the Enbridge XL Tar Sands pipeline # 67 in Minnesota

  9. The coal trains run through some of the most desolate places.

  10. Elle in AK

    Thank you for promoting the awareness of ArcTic pronunciation 😉

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