4 thoughts on “Poor Fuckin’ Earth”

  1. Pingback: Stimulator: Poor fuckin Earth + Squatting in the U.S.A. « Dandelion Salad

  2. kid cutbank


    you didnt give an email address on this one so i’m just gonna post here and you can respond here or in an email to me ([email protected]) if you wish.

    first off, i quit my job yesterday right before i came home and watched your show…so that’s kinda funny.

    second, i’ve been wondering what you thought about “The coming Insurrection” hype. I’ve noticed mention of it on your show and i was interested what your take on it is. personally, i find some of those ideas a little troubling.

    anyways, good luck on end:civ; can’t wait to see it!!

    -kid cutbank

  3. donkeyfly69

    this video moved me to tears

    i had to give you a couple o bucks

  4. Pingback: stanselen~ (to sparkle + & spark) » The Government want’s to drill your Mother..

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