13 thoughts on “You Are Going to Jail”

  1. foo(bar())

    sorta. kinda.




  2. Fox

    try Diaspora*

  3. Cicada

    :/ Damn. Depressing and Exhilarating at the same time.
    There’s not much you seem to be able to do to extract yourself from the Fedbook and online system.

    Once you’re out there, you can almost never erase and close everything you’ve ever posted and all the accounts you ever had.

  4. stimulator

    True enough but in the context of people doing underground work, you can take steps to make yourself more secure online.

  5. You provide a lot of good information and I like your message. Nothing new to this old anarchist type here but good for the newbies.

    I do have ONE question however. Why is it necessary to use the language you do with almost every phrase? This is an honest question. I have been quietly fighting the system for 50+ years, ok so not so quietly at times, and never felt the need to speak thusly.

    I am far from being a prude, just wonder what purpose this language serves. It does not sound subversive, just, lowly.

    A long long time ago I found myself listening to myself. I said something like, I am gonna fuckin get that fucker and fuck …. and I thought to myself, “Heck I am an educated person with a helluva fine vocabulary. Why on earth am I wasting all those words by using one four letter obscenity?” and so I made a concrete effort to stop it.

    The words still happen at times, but not with such frequency as here.

    So what is the purpose served? I really would like to know.

  6. BTW I note you have Democracy Now in your blogroll. You do know that Amy Goodman and this programme are a gateway information outlet funded by George Soros’ organizations? And that Amy supports the official 911 lies? I used to think I was on to something when I found her daily show on the local university station, then I realized, she toes the line and like all good disinformants gives about 90% good stuff but by omission still skirts around basic truths.

  7. from me


    About Democracy Now… it serves a function and shouldn’t be looked at as providing all that is needed, we need to recognize a diversity of tactics and styles and that even if it appears progressive it is still called ‘democracy’ now….

  8. from me

    Stim- are you going to cover the implications of the National Defense Authorisation Act? and how it related to Harpers Crime Bill?

  9. Papule

    Will you do any new year riot recount video for 2011?

  10. stimulator

    Still haven’t decided. There’s so much happening right now, I’m a bit torn.

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