This Day in Anarchist History
Short primers on historical anarchist events.
On this day in anarchist history, January 29th 1911, we remember The Baja Rebellion aka the Magónista Rebellion.
On this day in anarchist history, December 9th 1987, we remember the start of the 1st Palestinian Intifada, a years long decentralized uprising of Palestinians against Israeli colonial occupation.
On this day in Anarchist History, November 14th 1909, we remember young Simón Radowitzky and his assassination of Colonol Falcón, the head of the federal police in Argentina.
On this day in Anarchist History we remember the execution on Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American Anarchist Immigrants who were killed by the state after a sham of a trial.
On this day in Anarchist history, July 19th we remember the start of the Spanish Revolution, when thousands of Anarchists took control of Barcelona.
On this day in anarchist history, June 13th 2013 we remember The Vinegar Revolt, a series of protests turned into riots across the lands occupied by Brazil.
On This Day in Anarchist History we remember the Haymarket Affair; the police massacre that is widely accepted as the origins of May Day.
On April 8th 1877 Anarchists descended on 2 villages in the mountains of rural Italy, ransacked the town halls and clashed with the government troops.
Hello and welcome to the first of what we hope will be a many episodes of our new series, This Day in Anarchist History! In our premier episode we examine The Paris Commune, a short lived uprising when a broad coalition of the working classes took control of the city on March 18th 1871 and.