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Trailer for the first episode of our upcoming documentary series InterRebellium.

Part 2 of our 3 part series in collaborations with Peter Gelderloos

On this day in anarchist history, January 29th 1911, we remember The Baja Rebellion aka the Magónista Rebellion.

On December 8th 2024, Bashar al-Assad boarded a Russian military plane, and flew away into exile. His hasty, ignoble retreat marked the surreal culmination of the most brutal and bloody struggle of the Arab Spring. The fulfillment of a revolutionary demand scrawled by children on the walls of Daraa nearly fourteen years ago: the people want the fall of the regime.

A holiday tradition, a mashup of 2024’s riot porn from around the world

We invite you to join in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office.

On this day in anarchist history, December 9th 1987, we remember the start of the 1st Palestinian Intifada, a years long decentralized uprising of Palestinians against Israeli colonial occupation.

On this day in Anarchist History, November 14th 1909, we remember young Simón Radowitzky and his assassination of Colonol Falcón, the head of the federal police in Argentina.

Part 1 of 3: Peter Gelderloos discusses the recent surge of so-called green energy.

On this day in Anarchist History we remember the execution on Sacco and Vanzetti, two Italian-American Anarchist Immigrants who were killed by the state after a sham of a trial.

Trailer for our upcoming documentary series InterRebellium

Music Video collaboration with Lee Reed. Beats by Danny Miles. Mixed and mastered by Cee.Reality
This Day in Anarchist History

On this day in anarchist history, June 13th 2013 we remember The Vinegar Revolt, a series of protests turned into riots across the lands occupied by Brazil.

On This Day in Anarchist History we remember the Haymarket Affair; the police massacre that is widely accepted as the origins of May Day.

On April 8th 1877 Anarchists descended on 2 villages in the mountains of rural Italy, ransacked the town halls and clashed with the government troops.

Hello and welcome to the first of what we hope will be a many episodes of our new series, This Day in Anarchist History! In our premier episode we examine The Paris Commune, a short lived uprising when a broad coalition of the working classes took control of the city on March 18th 1871 and held out under siege until the end of May when the French national army entered Paris and executed thousands of rebels. In the coming years, anarchists would seek vengeance for their comrades who fell at the Paris commune. We hope that this series inspires you
System Fail

As hopelessness grips the majority of humanity, the youth in France have chosen to fight back sparking riots that have shutdown the country. Meanwhile in Peru, protestors calling for the resignation of President Dina Boluarte have descended on Lima.

Homophobia and Transphobia on the rise in the so-called US, a failed coup attempt in Russia and protests in Argentina in this 24th installment of System Fail.

Resistance to a proposed lithium mine at Peehee Mu’huh, in so-called Nevada, wildfires, heatwaves, floods, and an Indigenous seizure of oil tankers in Peru in this special environmental episode of System Fail.

Tensions in Brazil over a bill threatening Indigenous territories, the Bwa Kale vigilante justice movement in Haiti, and anti-police riots in Wales, in this episode of System Fail.

As the so-called western world reconciles with the implications of advanced AI, Resistance Committees in Sudan are caught between 2 warring factions. Also tensions rise over the fate of 2 squats in a posh neighborhood in Barcelona.

Dispatches from the uprising in Peru, revenge in Thessaloniki and an update from Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito in this episode of System Fail.

From ‘Woke Mind’ to COVID-19, Dee examines the effects various strains of viruses are having on humanity in the 19th installment of System Fail.

Election woes in the US and Brazil, a new land defence camp in France and anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito declares a hunger strike in Italy in this episode of System Fail.

Bad news continues for Brits named Liz, a growing Russian antiwar movement and a 3 year commemoration of protests that rocked Chile in this episode of System Fail.

Bolsonaro’s strange recreational activities exposed, Dee examines the human inclination for binary thinking, updates from the uprising in Iran and the Free Alabama Movement prison strike in the 16th episode of System Fail.

Bank robberies in Lebanon, an uprising in Haiti and a little surprise for a poorly named police station in Mexico in this, the 15th installment of System Fail.

In this episode of System Fail a massive nationwide strike in Ecuador, more colonial bullshit in Tanzania and the latest developments for anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis
subMedia Shorts

A holiday tradition, a mashup of 2024’s riot porn from around the world

We invite you to join in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office.

Trailer for our upcoming documentary series InterRebellium

Music Video collaboration with Lee Reed. Beats by Danny Miles. Mixed and mastered by Cee.Reality

An update on the flooding in Porto Alegre

An on the ground update on the recent flooding in Porto Alegre and Rio Grande do Sul.

Support Anarchist Mutual Aid efforts in the wake of record breaking flooding in so-called Brazil

The fight for Palestinian freedom cannot be won through symbolic action. The actions taken on April 15th cost hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars to an economy that profits off of colonialism and war. Escalation has just begun. Palestine must be free in our lifetime.

On April 15th, people from over 30 cities around the world will launch a global economic blockade to demand a free Palestine.
To join the fight for collective liberation visit a15action.com

October 30th Action in Toronto shuts down INKAS Armored in solidarity with Palestine

Come to the next Week Of Action from June 24 to July 1st. Friends, neighbors, and family — let’s gather our forces. THE EARTH WILL STILL BE HERE WHEN COP CITY FALLS.

From March 4-11, supporters of the Defend the Atlanta Forest movement will converge in the Weelaunee Forest in Atlanta. There will be a two-day music festival, workshops, discussions, and many ways to take an active part in the movement.
subMedia Films

Part 2 of our 3 part series in collaborations with Peter Gelderloos

On December 8th 2024, Bashar al-Assad boarded a Russian military plane, and flew away into exile. His hasty, ignoble retreat marked the surreal culmination of the most brutal and bloody struggle of the Arab Spring. The fulfillment of a revolutionary demand scrawled by children on the walls of Daraa nearly fourteen years ago: the people want the fall of the regime.

Part 1 of 3: Peter Gelderloos discusses the recent surge of so-called green energy.

A look at Israel’s AI generated war on Gaza and the Western Governments and Tech Corporations who are invested in it.

An interview with Indigenous Ancestor, Klee Benally

Updates from the Stop Cop City movement in light of recent RICO charges. Supporters will be mobilizing for a Block Cop City gathering from NOV. 10th-13th, 2023. Check out blockcopcity.org/ for more info.

Updates on the current war in Palestine with some much needed historical context. A collaboration with Antimidia.

This is part two of Transmissions, a series about inter-generational relationships among anarchists.

This is the first episode of a mini-series focusing on the various dimensions of inter-generational relationships amongst anarchists.

For months now, anarchists have been dealing with an increase of repression from the far-right government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who has been targeting squats as part of his plan to ‘take back’ Exarchia.

A short report on the recent uprisings in Chile, which started as a protest against a fare hike and have since grown into a full-blown uprising.

The story of the Parkdale Rent Strike, where a community in Toronto came together to fight back against the gentrification of their neighbourhood.

The final installment of Trouble looks at anarchist strategies, visions and methods of organizing.

Trouble 23 takes a closer look at climate change, its implications, and the shortcomings of the mainstream environmental movement.

In episode 22, we take a look at the worsening situation at the US/Mexico border, the US immigration system, and the implications of heavily militarized borders on stolen land.

Trouble #21 episode takes a deep dive into anti-colonial struggles in Turtle Island and in Palestine.

In the 20th edition of Trouble, subMedia takes a closer look at the Prison-Industrial-Complex.

In this month’s episode of Trouble, we look at technology – specifically at the growing nexus between mass data collection, artificial intelligence and surveillance.
For the first Trouble episode of 2019, subMedia rings in the new year by looking at the institution we love to hate: the cops.

Trouble #17 explores mental health, and radical solutions to the problems causing mental un-wellness.
This episode of Trouble looks at the riotous protests against the inauguration of Donald Trump, carried out under the banner #DisruptJ20… and the historic trial that followed.

This installment of Trouble is subMedia’s 35-minute love letter to radical hip hop

In this month’s episode of Trouble, subMedia showcases three ongoing land defence struggles: the Unist’ot’en Camp, the autonomous spaces movement in Ljubljana, Slovenia and the eco-defence occupation known as La ZAD.

In this month’s Trouble, sub.Media talks to comrades in Montreal, the Bay Area and Berlin to see how people in these cities are fighting back on attacks on their communities by developers, real estate speculators and the tech industry.
A is for Anarchy

A brief examination of the revolutionary concept of dual power and analyses of examples of the occurrence of dual power situations throughout history.

A world without police or prisons doesn’t mean a world where harm isn’t confronted or addressed. Learn more about anarchist conceptions of justice in this episode of A is for Anarchy

In this episode of A is For Anarchy we examine property relations under capitalism.

In this installment of A is for Anarchy we discuss the politics of representation, and the role it has historically played in adapting and shaping systems of control.

A look at the role that violence plays in maintaining the hierarchies embedded into our social order, and the potential role it can play in fighting back.

For anarchists the disruption and reformation of gender is intimately connected to our struggles against illegitimate power.

A look at the historical development of race, both as an enduring system of codified power relations and a central pillar for the creation and maintenance of state power.

Direct Action is a phrase that gets thrown around a lot when describing anarchist tactics…. and rightly so! So… what is it exactly? Watch this episode of A is for Anarchy to find out.

In this installment of A is for Anarchy, we look at the struggle within and against capitalism and how it is an intrinsic guiding force of anarchist theory and practice.

In a world ruled by ceaseless capitalist competition, where people are pitted to work against each other, anarchists offer a different vision: Mutual Aid.

This A is for Anarchy episode showcases the critique of nationalism and how this ideology used to uphold authority and power.

On our first episode of “A is for Anarchy” we look at the concept of Autonomy.

Learning from Chile’s Revolts On October 18, 2019 – a breaking point was reached. Revolts spread like wildfire in different territories that are dominated by the state of Chile. What has been gained, and what has been lost? Who is writing the future and what is at stake? We translated and recorded an interview with

At the beginning of March 2021, the streets of Athens exploded. After months of repressive lockdown measures and a hunger strike by well-known Greek political prisoner, Dimitris Koufontinas, the atmosphere was akin to a pressure cooker and the inevitable rupture was enormous, even by Greek standards. To gain some perspective on the goings on, we

In this episode we revisit an interview we did with Anarchist author, Peter Gelderloos, in 2017 on the topic of Counter Insurgency.

The Enemy of My Enemy is Also My Enemy. In this episode, Sima Lee joins us to talk about Left responses (good, bad and ugly) to the Capitol Hill ordeal of Jan 6th 2021. She goes in depth on the essential and unseen parts of anti-fascist work, discusses the rise of Black anarchism in the

In this episode we take one last parting swipe at Donald Trump by revisiting the riots that happened on his first day in office as well as the months long solidarity campaign which managed to beat the resulting charges. We revisit an interview with April Goggans from Black Lives Matter DC where she talks about

Make America Go Away: An Anarchist’s Take on the 2020 US Election For this episode we’re featuring a conversation with anarchist theorist and author, Tom Nomad who sat down with us to talk about the fallout from the American election. He goes over the implications of a Biden administration for Anarchists and other Left militants

For episode 2 of subMedia’s new podcast, we’ve dug through our archives to Trouble#20: Inside Out and selected the full in depth conversation with Halifax based prison abolitionist El Jones. She walks us through the specific mechanisms of Canada’s prison industrial complex and shares stories of the terrible conditions and inspiring resistance on the inside

In our first ever episode, we meet up with Skyler Williams, spokesperson for the 1492 Land Back Lane reclamation camp just outside of Six Nations Reserve in the part of Turtle Island that Canada calls Ontario.

the last muthafuckin Burning Cop Car.

Burning Cop Car is back to warm up your fall, and give you some radical beats to get in shape and stay in the fight.

BCC #14 – Rap against gentrification

Burning Cop Car #13 goes out to all the women and gender non-conforming peeps peeps out there fighting patriarchy.
The Stimulator

Stim’s back with one more final mothafuckin episode of ITEOTWAWKIAIFF

In this episode of TFN, Stim loses his shit while discussing Trump’s ongoing legal shenanigans, leading to an important announcement.

This week on TFN we give you a peek into what could become Klanada’s Standing Rock and bring you updates from political prisoners in the United Snakes and Greece.

This week in the Fuckin News we take on Stephen Miller, the creepy fascist fanboy and former Dick Sphincter protégé, who’d like to turn Turtle Island into a whitey-white-world.

This week on The Fuckin News, we look at the geopolitical shitshow revolving around the Orange One’s twitter feed, leaving a trail of confusion from the G7 Summit in Quebec to the heavily hyped Trump-Kim summit in Singapore.

This episode of TFN looks at the repression being faced by anarchist comrades in Klanada and the United Snakes

This week in the Fuckin News we look at the multiple setbacks suffered by nazis and white supremacists in Turtle Island

In this episode, Stim looks at the roots of the current crisis in Boriken – aka Puerto Rico.

This week, we took a look at some of the best riots of May Day 2018.
In this week’s TFN, Emmanuel Macron, meets his Battle of Waterloo in la ZAD, or Zone to Defend, in Notre Dame des Landes. Meanwhile, in Hamilton, Ontario, the pigs launch a SWAT raid against a local collective house.
This week on The Fuckin’ News, we peep the possible “collusion” between Trump and Russia, and take a look at the repression of Russian anarchists as the fucking FSB tries to invent a fake terrorist cell.

Charlottesville Nazi tough guy, turned pathetic scardy cat begging the pigs for mercy, Chris Cantwell has admitted he will co-operate with the FBI.
Indigenous Resistance

An interview with Indigenous Ancestor, Klee Benally

In December 2021 heavy rains punished the south of Bahia state in so-called Brazil. Help a black indigenous network in so-called Brazil to rebuild communities after floods.

Layla Staats and Skyler Williams describe their arrest on unceded Cas Yikh territory, and the disgusting lengths that the Canadian state went to try and break their warrior spirits.

On Jan 4 2020, the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs evicted Coastal GasLink from their territory. That eviction order remains in effect today.

Cas Yikh members of Gidimt’en clan are calling for a week of action in defence of Wedzin Kwa.

Hiladi Village is a traditional village site of the Ma’amtagila people. This unceded land and is in the process of being reclaimed.

As the remains of more Native kids continue to be discovered at the sites of former residential schools, this so-called Canada Day offers a time for reflection and a recommitment to the dismantling of the Canadian state.

1492 Land Back Lane spokesperson Skyler Williams explains the motivations and context for a recent decision to take down the highway barricades on Haudenosaunee territory.

In this episode we take a look at the many Indigenous-led struggles currently taking place across Turtle Island.

In the wake of limited talks between the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and representatives of the Canadian state, a sense of confusion has set in. Despite what they want you to think… it’s not over.

On February 24th, the OPP raided the camp at Wynam Road, established in Tyendinaga Mohawk territory in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

On Feb 15th, 50 people snuck onto some train tracks in Ontario and shut down the second biggest rail yard in Canada. They were soon joined by a large crowd of supporters who helped hold down the blockade for the rest of the day.