Make America Go Away

Make America Go Away: An Anarchist’s Take on the 2020 US Election

For this episode we’re featuring a conversation with anarchist theorist and author, Tom Nomad who sat down with us to talk about the fallout from the American election. He goes over the implications of a Biden administration for Anarchists and other Left militants as well as some predictions on how the new power structure will impact the alt-right.

Just a heads up, we’ve made some digital alterations to Tom’s voice which is why it sounds strange.

Tom’s book, The Master’s Tools: Warfare and Insurgent Possibility is available in pdf form at:

You can find part of this interview in video form on episode 5 of our show System Fail, along with a news roundup of the significant events that have been unfolding in the streets since voting day.

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All original music by anarchist composers.
