Ground Noise And Static

2008, 30 min

Radio Version MP3 35MB

In November, one or the other of the corporate candidates will win, and then, as always, it will be what the people do, not the politicians, that counts.

A video report on the protests that occurred in connection with the Democrat and Republican National Conventions, Ground Noise & Static is a manifesto. We went to Denver and St. Paul to take the pulse of the movement. Corporate media would cover the platitudes and posturing of the politicians, we were interested in something else, a story hidden in plain sight, captured in the now-classic street chant, “This is what democracy looks like.”

Ground Noise & Static
is a joint effort of  subMedia.TV and PepperSpray Productions. It is the direct result of a wonderful collaboration with many indymedia-style activists and journalists who all pitched in for the common good and success of their various efforts to tell their “Unconventional” stories.


30 thoughts on “Ground Noise And Static”

  1. Pingback: Ground Noise And Static at subMedia « deathpower

  2. Pingback: DNC Disruption 08 » Blog Archive » Ground Noise & Static: DNC/RNC Documentary Available

  3. Pingback: Ground Noise and Static « Truth y Dissent

  4. Pingback: Resistance against Democratic and Republican National Convention « Stefon’s Blog

  5. Pingback: Ground Noise and Static « Dandelion Salad

  6. Pingback: Ground Noise and Static and an update on my recent arrest | The Political Whore

  7. Pingback: Ground Noise And Static «

  8. Dayzed

    I had no idea… I stumbled across Ground Noise & Static on Miro. Thank God I did… I have been wandering through this madness for years wondering why no one else noticed that we had been sold. I was beginning to question my fucking sanity… the corporate media hid a very promising factor … there are others… Thank God.

  9. Pingback: Ground Noise and Static « Save Feral Human Habitat

  10. That shit rocked.. I mean who are them guys?? I can’t find them with a google lyrics search… whats up with that?? for really someones gotta tell me, who is doing the music? When they all ganged up on me I kicked their collective ass! That song is a rocken.

  11. Pingback: Ni Blanko Ni Mudo: | popular communication on the net

  12. JamesTruth

    McCain &Affiliates Attempting Our Murders. McCainattacks(dot)blogspot(dot)com;
    thefreedomfellowship(dot)blogspot(dot)com/2008/10/mccain-linked-to-cross-border(dot)html Using FBI to Attempt Our
    MURDER to Silence Protests of McCain Lobbyist Northwest Airlines Vicious
    Profiling Attack Upon My mother and I – Many Attempts At kidnapping/Murder
    in Cross Border Collusion here in Canada-Northwest =top 2 clientelle of McCain Legal Council& Official McCain Campaign Airline carrier PLEASE SPREAD!

  13. Pingback: Franklin Lopez on Grit TV at subMedia

  14. Pingback: Is America Already a Police State? at subMedia

  15. Pingback: Is America Already a Police State? « Truth11

  16. Pingback: Is America Already a Police State? | Chicago Copwatch

  17. geerolla

    Can someone please seed the torrent for this? Please?

  18. Pingback: Tuesday, July 28 2009 « The Jeff Farias Show

  19. Pingback: New Game Plus » A belated update and a question of what’s cool

  20. Pingback: Ni Blanko Ni Mudo: | popular communication on the net

  21. Pingback: Is America Already a Police State? « Guerrilla News

  22. Pingback: SPACE CITY ROCK » Two Movies, Today/Tonight: Girl’s Rock + Ground Noise

  23. RASH

    whats the song at the end? “we are unbeatable” or whatever. and where can i find it?

  24. There’s a link to the track below the screening listing.

  25. gustavito

    do you know where can I find anything else from John Sheehy? Theese two song you used are awesome!
    excellent documentary!
    Greetings from uruguay!

  26. Hola! No se si John compuso mas música. Si las canciones so muy buenas.

  27. gustavito

    Gracias por la respuesta! ¿Y sabes cómo podría contactarlo? Saludos!

  28. Pingback: Franklin López - Kindle Project

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