A Burning Limo is Worth 1000 Words

In this episode we take one last parting swipe at Donald Trump by revisiting the riots that happened on his first day in office as well as the months long solidarity campaign which managed to beat the resulting charges. We revisit an interview with April Goggans from Black Lives Matter DC where she talks about stirring shit up on inauguration day, 2017 and also about the Defend J20 campaign which set the bar for collective legal defense moving forward.

For a thorough chronology of the Defend J20 struggle check out: https://itsgoingdown.org/author/defend-j20-resistance

Support April and Black Lives Matter DC’s current project by hitting up: https://ca.gofundme.com/f/east-of-the-river-mutual-aid-fund

You can find part of this interview in video form on Trouble 16: Conspiracy to Riot, along with a bunch more perspectives on Defend J20 and some some really great #RiotPorn.

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All original music by anarchist composers.
